Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Deviated Septum...Septoplasty Surgery

Hi all,
The following site gives good information about "Deviated Septum...Septoplasty Surgery".
I was suffering from blocked nose, diagnosed with Deviated Septum and got Septoplasty Surgery done 2 days back...It will take 1-2 weeks time to see the difference.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Why Run long distance (Marathon)?

Please read the article, it's very nice. It explains the benefits of Marathon run.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Dr. M. Vishweshwaraiyya

India celebrates "Engineers Day" on 15th September. The date is chosen as a tribute to the greatest Engineer of India Dr. M. Vishweshwaraiyya. He was a Karmayogi. He is an example which shows how an engineer can change the life of thousands of people.

This documentary shows some of his achievements:
Documentary film on Dr. M. Vishweshwariyya

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Jordan Pilot Burnt alive by ISIS

Today I saw the video of Jordan Pilot being burned alive by heart broke...tears rolled down my eyes. 
I did some analysis...may not be very thorough...Its my personal view.
Cold War Era - > Chaos in Afghanistan -> USSR enters Afghanistan -> US supports Insurgent groups in Afghanistan against Soviet Rule in Afghanistan (1979-1986) -> After war, Soviet & US both leave the country in ruined state -> Taliban rule in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda formed -> Attack on World Trade Center 9/11 by Al-Qaeda in 2001 -> US invades Afghanistan, Iraq (Majority of the world did not support invasion of Iraq not even UN) in 2003 -> ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq & Syria)
The Greed of Powerful Countries...has ruined third world countries...Please control the GREED...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

President Dr. Abdul Kalam addressing European Union

Touching speech to European Union. The following words are enough to make 
this world a better place. 
Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character.
Where there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the Nation.
When there is order in the Nation, there is peace in the World.
-Ancient Tamil literature.
Youtube link to the speech: 
You have inspired us in so many ways...salute to you sir!!!
 Photo credits: